Capital Plan
Comfort Dog
Marquis Studios
The use of technology in special education helps break barriers and provides our students with access to the most relevant educational programs that are available.
During the 2018-19 school year, P721Q The John F. Kennedy Jr. School identified a series of technology upgrades that were necessary for our student's success. Applying for Resolution "A" (Reso "A") projects, P721Q sought to improve our technology capabilities through enhancement projects funded through individual grants allocated by the Queens Borough President or the members of the New York City Council. Knowing that our students need multiple ways to access educational opportunities, the school was able to secure 70 Promethean ActivBoard to ensure that every classroom had the technology it needed to teach our students.
During the 2018-19 school year, P721Q The John F. Kennedy Jr. School identified a series of technology upgrades that were necessary for our student's success. Applying for Resolution "A" (Reso "A") projects, P721Q sought to improve our technology capabilities through enhancement projects funded through individual grants allocated by the Queens Borough President or the members of the New York City Council. Knowing that our students need multiple ways to access educational opportunities, the school was able to secure 70 Promethean ActivBoard to ensure that every classroom had the technology it needed to teach our students.
With this improvement, students are now able to interact with digital content during classroom lessons. A huge step forward, the John F. Kennedy Jr. School community now looks to mobilize its technology capabilities to ensure that all students have the ability to learn no matter where they are.
School Yard Improvement Plan
Funds have been secured to improve the school yard for students and the surrounding community.
Roof & Exterior Improvements
The John F. Kennedy Jr. School building gets a facelift to look its best as 2020 approaches.
Bathroom Upgrades
Transforming student bathrooms to support their health and wellness
Jaffa, the Facility Dog!
Jaffa will be joining the John F. Kennedy Jr. School family and is participating in google meets so she can meet staff and students before our return to the building! Her handler, Nico Bonder, spent three weeks in intense and high quality professional development with Jaffa at the Canine Companions for Independence in Medford, NY. We are very grateful to Nico for bringing Jaffa to our community. Thank you, Nico!
Nico will be posting updates and hosting google meets with anyone interested in meeting her!
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Nico Bonder by email: [email protected] or using his remote office phone number Phone: 716.256.3677.
You can also follow Jaffa’s journeys on Instagram @JourneysWithJaffa
You can also follow Jaffa’s journeys on Instagram @JourneysWithJaffa
Bringing The Arts Alive For Children
The John F. Kennedy Jr. School brings arts and family engagement to the forefront with highly produced stage productions and improvements.
Grants to support Title 3 Families
What did we get in this area?
Donors Choose
What did we get in this area?
Zero Waste Grant
What did we get in this area?
2019-2020 - Sustainability & Race Against Waste
Students at the John F. Kennedy Jr. School are learning how to get their hands dirty to improve the environment.